Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Reading the Bible

I’m still working through the Old Testament after reading the New Testament some years ago.

I keep a beautiful leather-bound of the New Revised Standard Version on the lamp table. The volume was given to me when I joined Marble.

On my Kindle phone app I read the Holman Christian Standard Bible. Great for train trips and waiting on long lines at Walgreens.

And because my eyes tire easily, I’ve also been listening to a great podcast on Spotify called Bible: Beginning to End, a straight reading from the New Living Translation with questions (but no answers) for thought after every chapter or so.
I used to think that reading the Bible was something I would do when I finished reading everything else important. Or watching everything on Netflix. Or when I was fully retired. But now that I’m immersed in it, I wish I had done it sooner. My father told me that there is something on every page of the Bible that is good for you. He was right.

Monday, February 12, 2024

The Great Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart, who returns to the Daily Show tonight, is the Sesame Street of smart politics. If Sesame Street worked as it was supposed to in 1969, we should be on our second or third generation of people who are good at reading and understand math. That didn't happen. All reading and math scores are down compared to 1969. The smart kids picked up the learning, and the rest watched it for the shiny colors and pretty songs. Stewart had to be disappointed that his years of insightful comedy still led up to Trump winning. He's fact-preaching to the choir and the few fence sitters that are left. The alternate reality folks can't be swayed.